Do you have the feeling that your current locks aren’t very secure? Whether you’ve misplaced a key, acquired a new house, or experienced another security breach, making your old keys obscure can offer you peace of mind.

Rekeying is the process of altering only the internal pins on your existing lock rather than replacing it entirely. While a new lock may be the best option in some cases, rekeying locks provides numerous advantages in the majority of cases. Here are the seven advantages of rekeying.

Different situations

There are a variety of reasons why you would want to update the locks on your home or company. For the most part, rekeying is a viable option.

When you buy a new house, you’ll want new locks installed so that anyone with an old key (whether it’s the previous owners or anyone they handed keys to) can’t get in.

Even if the house is brand new, you’ll want to update the locks once the repair is completed. You don’t want copies of the key floating around because many different contractors have them. Rekeying is the finest solution because your home is new, and you don’t need to replace the entire lock system.

If you are remodeling your current home, the same situation applies. It can be tough to keep track of all the duplicates of your keys that you provide to different contractors who need entry to your home. Instead of worrying about whether you’ve collected all of them, rekeying ensures that none of the old keys will function, so you won’t have to.

When the individuals who live in your house shift, you might wish to replace the locks as well. You may have a roommate who has moved out, or you may be divorcing and wish to keep your spouse out of the house. A regular occurrence is misplacing your keys. Rekeying is a simple approach to make those lost keys ineffective as long as your current locks are in excellent working order.

Fixes a security breach

Because no new hardware is required, you may have your locks rekeyed quickly. You don’t have to wait until you’ve chosen new locks and hardware before having them replaced. In most cases, a locksmith can complete the work in 10 to 15 minutes per lock.

If you’re concerned about a security breach caused by a lost key or another incident, a speedy response time is critical. You won’t have to wait long because locksmiths can typically get to your home shortly. When security difficulties develop, this might provide you peace of mind.

It also cuts down on the amount of time you’re vulnerable to a security threat. You’ll feel tense until you get the locks changed if you lose a key or have a falling out with a former roommate. You’re not as vulnerable for as long if you can have a locksmith to your house within hours.

No need for new hardware

Rekeying is an option to explore if you like your present locks. The lock’s pins vary, but the lock itself remains the same.

This simplifies the procedure as a whole. You don’t have to go out and look for different locks to get one that matches your home’s décor.

It makes sense to preserve your current locks if they are in good condition, are still secure, and complement the overall aesthetic of your property. You know they look good and get the job done. Your home’s exterior maintains a constant aesthetic.

It’s also healthy for the environment to keep your old hardware. You’re using fewer resources and producing less waste while maintaining the security you require.


The most cost-effective method of changing locks is to rekey them. Alternatively, you can replace all of the lock hardware, which is more expensive than just changing the pins.

Installing a complete lock is also more time-consuming. If you hire a professional locksmith to conduct the task, you’ll almost certainly pay more for it, on top of the additional hardware costs. Rekeying locks will save you money in the long run while also boosting the security of your home or business.


A generic lock is included when you purchase a lock from a hardware store. Because it’s so generic, it’s less secure.

When you rekey a lock, you can change the pin placements to create a unique lock. When you know your locks are made to order, you’ll likely feel safer.

Master key

Rekeying your home’s master key system is a simple process. This means you only need one key to open all of your doors. It’s easier to get into your house because you don’t have to carry many keys or remember which one corresponds to which lock.

You can change locks differently

Because a lock may be rekeyed several times, it’s an excellent choice if you need to change your locks periodically. If you own a company with a lot of turnovers, you might rekey the locks every time an employee leaves. If you’re a landlord, you’ll almost certainly replace the locks anytime a tenant vacates the premises.

If you’re going to change locks frequently, rekeying locks is usually the best solution because it’s easier and less expensive.

Wrapping up

Rekeying locks is a simple and quick option, especially if you call a professional locksmith. Rekeying your locks can be beneficial for a variety of reasons, including greater security and convenience.

Give us a call now to schedule a rekeying appointment if you have locks that need to be rekeyed.